The Grecian Sundress Pattern—Now Multisize!

The Grecian Sundress

Yes, folks, believe it or not, I did it, and in a reasonable amount of time, too!

Whether I did it well, well, I’ll leave that up to you. The Grecian Sundress pattern is now officially multisize.

I didn’t trust myself trying to mimic outside pattern sizes, so you’ll just have to go by the sizing chart helpfully included in my new, much much much better Instructions. (Bust sizes from 80 to 104 cm, 31.5″-41″… I suspect it may run a little big though.)

Ok, I also don’t know if the instructions are MUCH better, but they’re at least better proof-read. And there’s a technical drawing! Whee!

Grecian Sundress Instructions

Grecian Sundress Pattern Multisize LETTER

Grecian Sundress Pattern Multisize A4

Anyway, have a go! And let me know about it if you do—that would be the bestest birthday present ever. Well, unless it totally blows, in which case it would be a less fun present but I should probably still know about it.


Filed under Sewing

25 responses to “The Grecian Sundress Pattern—Now Multisize!

  1. Wohoo! Thanks a million for this! I really hope to make this one soon, in a non sundressy kind of a way, more like a chic winter flowy thing….Or so I hope. Love the tech drawing, and I´m in awe of your pattern making skillz! 🙂

    • That sounds like fun! I have been contemplating it in a cozy knit and thinking about making long sleeves, but I’m not quite sure how to add them on without making it ridiculously wasteful of fabric…

  2. Wow, cool drawing! I love the drawing style. I like that I could instantly add it to iBooks for future reference! And nice job grading the pattern. Do you use a special program for that?

    • I used Inkscape (, which is a free vector-graphics program (Similar idea to Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw). It’s pretty easy to use. I used it for both the pattern, the grading, and the technical illustration ;).

  3. You are just totally amazing. I love your tech drawing!

  4. WOO HOO!!! And considering the Caribbean is summer all year round, this pattern makes me happy. I even see a top in my future

  5. And my joy is short lived when I realise the files won’t open 😦

  6. Lucy

    Nice pattern. Alas I won’t be downloading it any time soon. It’s about 12 degrees outside today and my office doesn’t have any heating.

    On the subject of drafting patterns and the flutter-sleeve tunic, have you seen Lekala 4051? Either the timing is extremely coincidental, or they’re even less subtle than I thought (which wasn’t very….)

    • I have seen it (possibly even downloaded the free size 😉 )—it’s cute. It’s definitely the same general style but the details are fairly different—raglan sleeves, crossover-back.

      Considering mine is a knock-off of a RTW style from a couple of years ago (that I know for a fact was knocked off by several places as a relative had a shirt with all the same details from Walmart, which is NOT where I got my original…)… I’m certainly not going to complain about who’s knocking who off ;).

  7. Thank you so much! Will I look as good as you in it if I follow all the directions perfectly?

  8. Sewista Fashionista

    Love the pattern illustration! I will print out as soon as I refresh the printer ink.

  9. Good stuff! Thanks for the program link. I’d like to try it! The program, not pattern drafting 🙂

    The links worked for me (I saw that someone had a problem with that in the comments).

  10. Ah, you are spoiling us with all your free patterns – thank you 🙂
    Love the tech-drawing too v. pro!

  11. Merinen

    You are cool, thanks for doing that, I am in the mood for a sundress even though the sun is on it’s way out here in Wisconsin…pooh : (

    It shall be a sexy house dress or something!

  12. What a generous gesture. I love your dress!

  13. Pingback: I’m Back… With Links! | Stacy Sews

  14. Stephani

    Wow, I am terribly late finding this (saw it on Pinterest), but thanks so much for the awesome pattern. Love the Greek goddess look, and I love a maxi dress. I can’t wait to try it, and I’ve already found the fabric to go with it. I think it’ll look great in a dark navy rayon challis, and I’ve got some gorgeous ice-dyed silk for which I’ve been searching for the right pattern. This is it!

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