Victorian Sewing Circle

With TreeFor a few years now, I’ve been facilitating a Victorian Sewing Circle at the Marr Residence, a historic location here in Saskatoon. My goal is to provide resources related to historical clothing from the eras represented at the house (1880s through 1920s), as well as a space for anyone interested to get together and work on historical costuming or other handcrafts. In the long run I’d love to have other activities for wearing or displaying costuming, but we need to make some costumes first!

img_5446-1We have a small collection of original examples, reproduction catalogues, and other informational resources, as well as basic sewing and pressing equipment, for (almost) all your costuming and inspiration needs!

This winter our dates are as follows:

  • January 27, 1:00-4:00PM
  • February 24, 1:00-4:00PM
  • March 31, 1:00-4:00PM
  • April 28, 1:00-4:00PM

The Marr Residence is located at 326 11th Street East – Saskatoon, SK

One of my favourite ways to learn about Victorian sewing and dressmaking techniques is through original sewing and drafting manuals from the period. We’re lucky now because many of these old books have been digitized for free at places like

Some of my favourites are:


I’d love to see you there!